I, V & R Probe - A Preview

The highly adaptable instruments to measure currents, voltages, and resistances.

The I, V, and R Probes are highly adaptable, plug and play modules to measure current, voltage, and resistance, respectively. Each probe hosts a banana socket which can accept several kinds of connectors to interface with other equipment and circuits.


  • Intuitive and wizard guided configuration
  • Hot pluggable
  • PhysInstruments class: Analog
I Probe (QS-M-9) V Probe (QS-M-6) R Probe (QS-M-8)
• Ranges: +10A to -10A,
+1A to -1A, +10mA to -10mA
• The electrical specs are
same as the connected PhysLogger
• Available Ranges:
10kὨ, 100kὨ, 1MὨ
• Resolution:
0.05% of full scale range
• Optical Isolation:
• Resolution:
0.1% of full scale range
• Measurment Method:
In circuit series connection
• Uncertainity:
+5% to -5%
• Measure Method:
Potential divider

Typical Applications

  • Explore Ohm’s law
  • RC Circuit Calculations
  • Model the response of a thermistor
  • Investigate laws of electromagnetism
  • Monitor potential differences in an electrochemical reaction
  • Quantify the voltage from solar energy in photovoltaics!